I decided to make the prototype of the movement engine for our game this week. I just couldn't wait anymore.
I added mouse movement with the widely available mouselook.py script. Now in first person mode the player can look around and turn with the mouse, move around with WASD, and jump. I parented the body to the first person camera and a third person camera to the first person camera. That way the player can switch from first person to third person with the 1 and 3 keys.
I animated the player's digital camera using a placeholder model. The digital camera will raise or lower when the right mouse is held or released. I still need to move the view to an in camera view once the camera is raised. The digital camera is parented to the body so it moves with the player. The camera flash is activated by left click which triggers a point light parented to the camera that goes from energy 0 to 10 in a 10th of a second.
The merry-go-round now has a hinge joint in the middle so that it rotates freely on its Z axis. This way I can apply a force and let it slow down over time rather than have it rotate at a fixed speed. Also this means I don't need to rely on it being held in place by another object's unpredictable collision box. Maybe there's a better way to do it but for now this works well. The player can sort of ride it and by ride I mean get flung off violently.
Lastly, I made a simple jumping puzzle to see how well the jump movement works. The cubes are at various heights to see what jump height seems most natural in first person. Jumping on top of the cubes leads you to a yellow floating plane. Jumping on that activates a near sensor which triggers an animation raising the plane into the air.